How to Install Form Choice Limiter

Google Forms helps you streamline tasks such as event registration, surveys, and sign-up forms. Install the Form Choice Limiter add-on by following these steps:

Step 1: Open a Google Form. Press the 3 dots on the top right in your form, and click on “Add-ons
How to Add Form Choice Limiter in Google Forms
Step 2: Go to the search bar and search up “Form Choice Limiter”, and click install
Form Choice Limiter | Choice removal | Choice Eliminator 2

After installation, activate the add-on to limit responses for specific choices in your form. This feature is particularly useful for managing sign-ups with restricted spots, surveys with capped responses, or event registrations requiring controlled attendance.

Mixing question types and settings ensures your form is engaging and effective. For instance, use dropdown menus

Step 3: Go back to your form and click on the puzzle piece, and click on “Form Choice Limiter”  google form app.
Form Choice Eliminator 2 | Choice removal
Step 4: You can set different limits to each of your options by clicking on the box next to it, or you can set the same limit for all choices by adding a number in the “One click apply limit for all choices” box, and then clicking apply. If you don’t want any limits to your choices, then keep the “Limit” box empty.
Step 5:  For each option, it also shows response counts. When the response count reaches its limit, the choice option will be eliminated. Here are the features for email notifications. If you checked “Notify me on any choice limit is reached”, put your email into the box, then you will get an email notification about the choice being eliminated. You can also set a final choice text which will appear when the option is eliminated.
Step 6: You can also schedule when to restore your Google Forms responses and options back to normal by checking the “Schedule restore form”. You can have your form restore every hour, day, week, month, or you can choose your own specific date and time.
Step 7: You can click the “Refresh” button if you want to check how many responses have been made for each option.
Refresh to check restore from Choice limiter
Step 8: You can click the “Restore” button if you want to get restore the number of responses, and restore the choices that have been eliminated.
Step 9: After you’re done configuring your Google Forms, click the “Save” button to save your changes
Save Google form app

Please note choice limiter, limit, removal, Eliminator:

1. If the multiple choice option label is changed, then the limit set previously will be reset. In this case please set the limit again if it is required.

2. If multiple people fill in the form at the same time, it’s still possible that someone will pick a choice that has already been picked

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How to use google forms for surveys?
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Form Choice Limiter Limiter | Choice Eliminator 2 | Choice removal

Download here : Form Choice Limiter

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